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Results and Reporting

Words on this page that have been underlined and italicized can be found in the glossary on the bottom of the page.


To view any result chart next to risk or ranging inputs, open the same file in another instance of NetRisk and snap them each side-by-side.

Chart Layouts 

Layouts store the configuration preferences of the results charts to the computer for applying across multiple files. The following items comprise a layout and will be discussed in more detail in this chapter:

MarkersMarkers are added or removed to the charts to call attention to specific values on the chart.

A change to a marker applies across all chart types within a file

LabelsThe text/names for the chart, x-axis, y-axis, and secondary y-axisA change to the labels is unique to each chart type within a file
Curves and barsFor example, visibility, color, points, point values, bar width, etc.A change to the formatting of curves and bars applies across all chart types within a file
FormattingFor example, font, size, bold, italics, underline, color, alignment, caseA change to the formatting is unique to each chart type within a file
FiltersFor example, statistical significance or hiding values on axesA change to the filters applies across all chart types within a file

To save the active configuration preferences for all charts:

  1. Click the Layouts icon
    in the Chart pane toolbar
  2. Choose New Layout
  3. Enter a name and click Save
  4. To rename or delete, repeat step 1 and choose accordingly.
  5. To apply a different layout to your file, click the dropdown next to Chart Layout and choose accordingly.

Key Milestones 

key milestones allow you to filter the table to only the most important milestones (or activities) in the schedule quickly and easily. For example, major stage gates, completion of important phases, enclosure of a building, or substantial completion of the project. Key milestones are only available in the Results view.

  1. Click the Results 
  2. In the Key column of the Table pane, click once in the star icon
    until it turns yellow. 
  3. Click the Filter icon above the table and select Key, or type "key" into the search box.

Distribution Charts

Distribution charts show bars representing the number of iterations a value was observed during simulation, as well the cumulative total via the cumulative curve. Distribution charts can be viewed for start date, finish date, duration, drift, float, total float, cost, probabilistic cash flow, and float risk envelope. As different activities or WBS nodes are selected in the Table pane, the chart will update accordingly. 

  1. Click the Results 
  2. Click the Simulation dropdown in the Table pane and choose a desired simulation.
  3. Click the Chart Type dropdown in the Chart pane and choose the desired chart.


Hover over any bar or any data point to see the actual values.

In the Table pane, activities and their data correspond to the state when the simulation was ran, regardless of whether or not the model has since been updated.

Adding/Removing Markers

Markers perform the following functions:

Call attention to specific values on the chartCompletion Date, Start Date, Duration, Drift, Float, Total Float, Cost, Cash Flow, Float Risk Envelope
Add or remove series of data for desired percentilesCash Flow

Four types of markers exists, as follows:

Marker TypeDefinitionInputs
Delta Marker

Shows the variance between two values, for example, the deterministic duration and the P80 duration. Not available for Cash Flow.

The horizontal portion of the delta marker will be drawn at whatever height is entered in the Percentile column.

  • Value 1: the low
  • Value 2: the high
  • Color: the line color
  • Percentile: the height at which to draw the delta label
  • Line: whether or not to show the vertical lines
Deterministic Marker

Shows the planned (pre-simulation) value or data.

For the Cost chart, if an activity was in-progress and had both a Planned Cost and Actual Cost entered on the Ranging tab, two deterministic markers will show up on the chart: one for "Planned Cost" and one for "Projected Cost". Projected cost is equal to the planned cost minus the actual cost for the remaining duration.

  • Color: the line color (not applicable for Cash Flow)
  • Line: whether or not to show the vertical lines (not applicable for Cash Flow)
P Value MarkerA P value is the value which was observed during at least X% of iterations. For example, the P80 Finish Date is the finish date observed during at least 80% of the iterations. To put it another way, 80% of the iterations completed on that date or earlier. The P80 cash flow is the cash flow observed during at least 80% of the iterations.
  • Color: the line color (not applicable for Cash Flow)
  • Percentile: the desired percentile
  • Line: whether or not to show the vertical lines (not applicable for Cash Flow)
Variance Marker

Shows the variance between two points at the selected percentile.

Only available when comparing more than one series (e.g. simulation, activity, or cash flow percentile)

  • Value 1: the EARLIER data
  • Value 2: the LATER data
  • Color: the line color
  • Percentile: the p value for comparison (not applicable for Cash Flow)
  • Line: whether or not to show the vertical lines
  • Cash Flow: an option for choosing between cumulative variance (bars) or non-cumulative variance (curves) (only available for Cash Flow)
  • Date: the date for comparison (only applicable for Cash Flow)
  1. Click the Results 
  2. In the Chart Properties pane, click the Add button next to the Markers list.
  3. Click the dropdown in the Type column to change marker types.
  4. To remove, select the row in the list and click Remove.

Recalculating the X-Intervals for Cost Charts

The x-axis of the cost distribution chart can be grouped into smaller or larger buckets, e.g. $100, $1,000, $10,000 etc. Larger intervals will reduce the number of bars and smaller intervals will increase the number of bars. For example, with an interval of $1,000, an iteration with a total cost of $500 and an iteration with a total cost of $1,000 would be represented by a single bar with 2 hits rather than two separate bars each with one hit.

The cash flow chart can be recalculated based on days, weeks, months (default), quarters, or years. When choosing weeks, whichever day the project starts on will define the beginning of the week. To recalculate the x-axis interval:

  1. Click the Results 
  2. In the Chart pane, click the dropdown next to Chart Type and choose either Cost or Cash Flow.
  3. In the toolbar above the chart, click the dropdown next to X-Axis Interval and choose as desired.

Scatter Plots

Distribution charts show a single variable (completion, OR cost, OR duration). The problem is, if we target a date with an 80% probability of being met, there are many costs associated with that date, some of which are not 80% likely to occur. Similarly, if we target a cost with an 80% probability of being met, there are many dates associated with that cost, some of which are not 80% likely to occur. Targeting the P80 cost and P80 finish will not result in an overall P80. Scatter plots combine two variables and allow us to see the joint probabilities. Scatter plots are available for Completion & Cost or Duration & Cost.

Scatter plots are divided into four quadrants, which can be adjusted by moving the vertical and horizontal lines. Each quadrant shows the percentage of iterations that fall within the quadrant. To see, for example, the joint P80, move each line until the quadrant at the bottom left (Q3) shows 80%. You'll see there are many combinations of cost and date to achieve this. A curve can be drawn connecting all of the combinations called the joint confidence level curve by clicking the Joint Confidence Colors icon in the chart toolbar. The curves default, and are fixed, to 20%, 50%, and 80%. 

  1. Click the Results 
  2. In the Chart pane, click the dropdown next to Chart Type and choose either Completion & Cost or Duration & Cost.
  3. Click on either line or at the center and adjust until you see the desired probability or value for each line.
  4. To change color scheme, click the Joint Confidence Colors 
     icon in the chart toolbar.

Overlaying Scatter Plot and Cash Flow 

While viewing the cash flow chart, the scatter plot can be overlayed on top of it. To do so:

  1. Click the Results 
  2. In the Chart pane, click the dropdown next to Chart Type and choose Cash Flow.
  3. In the toolbar above the chart, click the Scatter button.

Tornado Charts

Tornado charts show results organized from high to low for a variety of data sets.


When the number of results is larger than the amount of vertical space, bars will be merged to make them fit on a single screen. To view every bar individually, use the scroll wheel on your mouse to "zoom in". The chart can then be scrolled up and down.

Activity Priority The significance of an activity on the project's duration defined as criticality * (1+cruciality). Milestones, WBS summaries, hammocks, or LOE's will not show up.
CriticalityThe proportion of iterations activities were observed on the path with 0 days of float (GPM) or total float (CPM).
Duration Cruciality The correlation between activity durations and the duration of the project. Milestones, WBS summaries, hammocks, or LOE's will not show up.
Risk Priority

The potential gain in calendar days or dollars after removing each risk during simulation.

Non-working calendars are NOT treated as risks/removed when calculating risk priority.

Risk Sensitivity

The correlation between existence of a risk and the duration or cost of the project. A positive result suggests that when the risk occurs, the project takes or cost more; a negative result suggests that when the risk occurs, the project takes or costs less:


0 - 0.2

The correlation is very weak, or essentially random. 
0.2 - 0.6There is some correlation
0.6 - 1The correlation is strong
Safe FloatThe number of days an activity can be delayed without delaying a desired probabilistic finish date (p value).

As different activities or WBS nodes are selected in the Table pane, the chart will update accordingly, as well as be filtered or recalculated as indicated. To view tornado charts:

  1. Click the Results 
  2. Click the Simulation dropdown in the Table pane and choose a desired simulation.
  3. Click the Chart Type dropdown in the Chart pane and choose accordingly.


Hover over any bar or any data point to see the actual values.

Safe Float

Total float is a fundamental scheduling concept; however, it is measured to the deterministic project completion date. During risk analysis, the project completion depends on the p value, or likelihood, chosen by the team. Total float to the P80 project completion date is not the same as total float to the P70 completion date - in fact, it's greater, since, despite the fact that the confidence must be higher, the P80 project completion date is ultimately later. To solve this issue, NetRisk introduces Safe Float: the number of days an activity can be delayed without delaying a desired probabilistic finish date (p value). In addition, NetRisk provides the date by which the activity must start so as to not delay the designated probabilistic finish date, i.e. the Safe Float Start Date.

Safe float and the safe float start date can be viewed in the table for any p-value in increments of 5. For details on customizing columns, see Interface Tour.

Safe float can be viewed as a tornado chart for up to 2 p-values simultaneously. For instructions, see tornado above.

Chart Properties

The Chart Properties Pane will update depending on the selected chart type. Any modifications are stored with the file.


PropertyDefinitionAvailable for
TitleA label for describing the chart, which displays at the top in bold.
  • All charts
X-AxisA label for describing the x-axis.
  • All charts
Y-AxisA label for describing the y-axis on the left.
  • All charts
Y2-AxisA label for describing the y-axis on the right.
  • All distribution charts
X2-AxisA label for describing the x-axis on the top.
  • Risk Priority


PropertyDefinitionAvailable for
Show LegendA toggle for showing a color legend.
  • All charts
Include ID'sA toggle for including activity/WBS ID's in the legend for each series
  • All charts


A table for adding, modifying, and removing annotations to the chart. See .Results and Reporting v2.0.0.101#Adding/Removing Markers above.


PropertyDefinitionAvailable for
Legend DescriptionA description of the series, which will be displayed in the legend. By default, truncates to 40 characters.
  • All distribution charts
  • All tornado charts
CurveA toggle for displaying the cumulative curve.
  • All distribution charts
Curve ColorThe color of the curve.
  • All distribution charts
Curve PointsA toggle for showing points where the x and y-axes intersect.
  • All distribution charts
Curve ValuesA toggle for showing the y-axis value for the intersections.
  • All distribution charts
BarsA toggle for displaying the frequency bars.
  • All distribution charts
  • All tornado charts
Bar ColorThe color of the bars.
  • All distribution charts
  • All tornado charts
Bar WidthThe size of the bars, independent of time.
  • All distribution charts
  • All tornado charts
Bar ValuesA toggle for showing the values of the bars.
  • All distribution charts
  • All tornado charts
Values CenteredA toggle for centering the values in the middle of the bars instead of at the end.
  • All distribution charts
  • All tornado charts
Point SizeAn option for adjusting the size of the dots.
  • All scatter plots
Q1 ColorThe color of the dots in quadrant 1.
  • All scatter plots
Q2ColorThe color of the dots in quadrant 2.
  • All scatter plots
Q3 ColorThe color of the dots in quadrant 3.
  • All scatter plots
Q4 ColorThe color of the dots in quadrant 4.
  • All scatter plots
Deterministic ShapeThe shape for the deterministic point on the chart.
  • All scatter plots
Deterministic SizeThe size of the shape for the deterministic point. Options include: Circle, Square, Diamond, Triangle, Pentagon, Hexagon, Star
  • All scatter plots

Tornado Charts

PropertyDefinitionAvailable for
Significance Level

The significance value, for example 90%, tells us the likelihood that the result is truly correlated vs. the likelihood that the correlation is random (for example, 20%). From a statistical perspective, a significance of 90% or higher is ideal. Anything below 20% is basically random.

Hover the mouse over any bar on the chart and look for the value in parenthesis at the end.

  • Duration Cruciality
  • Activity Priority
  • Risk Sensitivity
Hide values betweenA toggle for filtering out values from being displayed. For example, to hide negative values, enter -100 to 0. To hide positive values, enter 0 to 100.
  • All tornado charts
Correlation Method

The Pearson method uses original simulation values and is a measure of the linear relationship between the two variables.

The Spearman method takes original simulation values, assigns each one a rank, and then applies the pearson method. Pearson is considered better if the values being compared are normally distributed while spearman may be better if the data is more scattered or outliers exist.

  • Duration Cruciality 
  • Activity Priority
  • Risk Sensitivity
Risk Priority PercentileThe percentile by which to measure the potential gains. For example, entering "80" would tell us the number of days or dollars potentially gained during at least 80% of the iterations.
  • Risk Priority
Risk Priority Sorting

An option for sorting the risk priority tornado chart. When sorting by Potential Gains or Potential Savings, the chart is arranged from the risk that contributed the highest gains at the top to the risk that contributed the lowest gains at the bottom. 

When sorting by Order Removed, the chart is arranged from the first risk removed during simulation to the last risk removed during simulation.

  • Risk Priority
Label FormatA toggle for choosing what combination of ID and description to show for each bar.
  • All tornado charts

Risk Sensitivity

A toggle for choosing what to display on the risk sensitivity tornado chart. Checking Risks will display a single bar for a risks/scenario's schedule sensitivity and a single bar for cost sensitivity. Checking Risk-Activity Assignments will display multiple bars, one for every activity to which a risk/scenario has been assigned.
  • Risk Sensitivity
Risk Sensitivity OrderAn option for sorting the risk sensitivity chart. Schedule, Cost will sort schedule from high to low with no sorting of cost. Cost, Schedule will sort cost from high to low with no sorting of schedule.
  • Risk Sensitivity

Chart Formatting

The following chart elements can be formatted directly on the chart:

ElementSupportedNot Supported
Chart TitleFont style, font size, bold, italics, underline, color, case, alignment
X-Axis LineColorFont style, font size, bold, italics, underline, case, alignment
X-Axis Values (as a group)Font style, font size, bold, italics, underline, colorCase, alignment
X-Axis LabelFont style, font size, bold, italics, underline, color, caseAlignment
Y-Axis LineColorFont style, font size, bold, italics, underline, case, alignment
Y-Axis Values (as a group)Font style, font size, bold, italics, underline, colorCase, alignment
Y-Axis LabelFont style, font size, bold, italics, underline, color, caseAlignment
2nd Y-Axis LineColorFont style, font size, bold, italics, underline, case, alignment
2nd Y-Axis Values (as a group)Font style, font size, bold, italics, underline, colorCase, alignment
2nd Y-Axis LabelFont style, font size, bold, italics, underline, color, caseAlignment
Bars/ValuesFont style, font size, bold, italics, underline, colorCase, alignment
Curve/ValuesFont style, font size, bold, italics, underline, colorCase, alignment

Font style, font size, bold, italics, underline, color, position

To modify the position, click and drag with the mouse.

Case, alignment
LegendFont style, font size, bold, italics, underline, colorCase, alignment
Quadrant Labels

Font style, font size, bold, italics, underline, color, position

To modify the position, click and drag with the mouse.

Case, alignment
DotsColorFont style, font size, bold, italics, underline, color, case, alignment

To do so:

  1. Click the Results 
  2. Select the desired element directly on the chart with the mouse. The selected element will be confirmed in the toolbar above the chart, e.g. "Title Formatting".
  3. Click the desired icon or font picker immediately to the right.

Comparing Charts

The following comparisons can be made:

  • Simulation to simulation, for example completion dates for the same activity in multiple simulations
  • Activity to activity, for example completion dates for multiple activities within the same simulation
  • Multiples, for example completion dates for multiple activities in multiple simulations

Charts of different types cannot be compared to one another. When comparing tornado charts for multiple simulations, the order of the simulation selected will determine the order for the tornado.

To compare Risk Priority for two simulations, select the first simulation group (to determine the tornado order) and then select each run individually beneath the second simulation group. If you select the second group parent, the first simulation group will be deselected.

Simulation to Simulation

  1. Click the Results 
  2. Click the Simulation dropdown above the Table pane
  3. Check the box next to each simulation desired.
  4. Click Close.

The table will only show activities and their data for the LAST simulation clicked, indicated above the list. If an activity existed in the last simulation clicked but did NOT exist in one of the other simulations, a series will NOT show up for it on the chart. If an activity didn't exist in the last simulation clicked, it will not show up in the table at all.

Activity to Activity

  1. Click the Results 


  2. In the Compare column, check the box next to each activity desired.

Printing or Exporting Charts

Charts can be printed to paper or to PDF or copied to the clipboard as an image for pasting into reports. 

When printing to PDF, it is recommended to choose "Adobe PDF" rather than "Microsoft Print to PDF" for best results.

  1. Click the Results 
  2. In the toolbar above the Chart pane, click the dropdown next to Chart Type and choose the desired chart.
  3. To generate a screenshot, click the Copy to Clipboard icon 
    in the toolbar above the chart.
  4. To print, click the Print icon
  5. Customize using the operating system's print window and click OK.

Portions of a chart can be printed by hovering over the chart with the mouse and zooming in using the scroll wheel.

Exporting Percentile Results to P6

Percentile data, or p values, can be exported to XER user defined fields (UDFs) for importing into P6. In P6, this data can be used to illustrate, for example, the entire schedule on P80 dates, side-by-side with the deterministic schedule on the Gantt chart. 

When exporting out of P6, UDFs must have data for at least one activity to be included the export.

  1. Click the Results 
  2. Click the Export
    icon above the table and choose Export Percentile Results to P6 XER.
  3. Click the Add button and customize as desired.
  4. When finished, click Export.
  5. Enter a filename and click Save.

P values can only be mapped to UDFs of the same type. For example, a start date CANNOT be mapped to a finish date UDF, or vice versa. Nor can it be mapped to cost, indicator, integer, number, or text.

P Value-to-UDF Columns


P Value (NetRisk)

The percentile from the simulation results, from 0-100.

Date Type

A toggle for choosing between Start and Finish data.
User Defined Field (P6)

A dropdown containing all user defined fields that were imported (if any) if the project began from an XER file.

If no selection is made, a new UDF is created, named after the P value/Date Type.

Available Table Columns

For details on customizing columns, filtering, sorting, and organizing by WBS, see Interface Tour.

Results Columns...

Abbr. Description

A NetPoint-unique field limited to 48 characters for describing the activity.


The schedule that work on the activity can take place.

A submenu containing one column for every code in the schedule.

The organization and visibility of code columns is NOT saved with the application. Code columns must be turned back on every time the tab is changed.

Constraint #1

The primary constraint, if any. The following abbreviations are used: ALAP (As Late As Possible), MEO (Finish On), MEOA (Finish On Or After), FNL (Finish On Or Before), MS (Mandatory Start), MF (Mandatory Finish), MSO (Start On), SNE (Start On Or After), and MEOB (Start On Or Before).
Constraint Behavior

A toggle for controlling how constraints behaves during simulation (only enabled if an activity/milestone has a constraint).

If an activity has two constraints and Maintain is chosen, both will be maintained unless one is triggered, in which case the second one will be ignored.

ALAP constraints will never be maintained and this option disabled for activities with only ALAP constraints (if an ALAP and another constraint exist and Maintain is chosen, only the other constraint will be maintained).

Constraint #2

The secondary constraint, if any. The following abbreviations are used: ALAP (As Late As Possible), MEO (Finish On), MEOA (Finish On Or After), FNL (Finish On Or Before), MS (Mandatory Start), MF (Mandatory Finish), MSO (Start On), SNE (Start On Or After), and MEOB (Start On Or Before).
Criticality IndexThe proportion of iterations activities were observed on the path with 0 days of float (GPM) or total float (CPM).
Cruciality IndexThe correlation between an activity's duration and the duration of the project.


The text field for describing the activity.

This column cannot be removed from the table when organized by WBS.

Deterministic Drift PercentileThe p value or percentage of iterations where a value equal to or less than the deterministic drift (i.e. the drift value before any simulation was ran) was observed during simulation.
Deterministic Duration PercentileThe p value or percentage of iterations where a value equal to or less than the deterministic duration (i.e. the duration value before any simulation was ran) was observed during simulation.
Deterministic Finish PercentileThe p value or percentage of iterations where a value equal to or earlier than the deterministic finish date (i.e. the finish date value before any simulation was ran) was observed during simulation.
Deterministic Float PercentileThe p value or percentage of iterations where a value equal to or less than the deterministic float (i.e. the float value before any simulation was ran) was observed during simulation.
Deterministic Start PercentileThe p value or percentage of iterations where a value equal to or earlier than the deterministic start date (i.e. the start date value before any simulation was ran) was observed during simulation.
Deterministic Total Float PercentileThe p value or percentage of iterations where a value equal to or less than the deterministic total float (i.e. the total float value before any simulation was ran) was observed during simulation.


The amount of the time an activity may advance before advancing the project start.
Duration CorrelationsA summary of activities that have been correlated by ID with the coefficient showing in parenthesis.
Duration SamplingDisplays the distribution type and range if the activity's duration was enabled for sampling during simulation as well as the "existence probability" (P).
Earliest Finish

The earliest finish date observed during simulation.

Early FinishThe date the activity completes when its drift is equal to zero.
Earliest Start

The earliest start date observed during simulation.

Early StartThe date the activity begins when its drift is equal to zero.

Finish Date

The date the activity completes.
FloatThe amount of the time an activity may be delayed before delaying the project completion.
Floating SamplingDisplays the distribution type and range if the activity's float was enabled for sampling during simulation, as well as the "% of iterations" (P) and "threshold" (T).
IDThe user-entered unique identifier.
Included RisksA summary of all risks and/or scenarios by ID that were assigned and included in the selected simulation/run.
KeyA toggle for designating important milestones or activities to be filtered on quickly.
Late FinishThe date the activity completes when its float is equal to zero.
Latest Finish

The latest finish date observed during simulation.

Late StartThe date the activity begins when its float is equal to zero.
Latest Start

The latest start date observed during simulation.

Max Duration

The highest duration observed during simulation.

Max Drift

The highest drift observed during simulation.

Max Float

The highest float observed during simulation.

Max Total Float

The highest total float observed during simulation.

Mean Duration

The average duration observed during simulation.

Mean Drift

The average drift observed during simulation.

Mean Float

The average float observed during simulation.

Mean Start DateThe average start date observed during simulation.
Mean Finish DateThe average finish date observed during simulation.
Mean Total Float

The average total float observed during simulation.

Min Duration

The lowest duration observed during simulation.

Min Drift

The lowest drift observed during simulation.

Min Float

The lowest float observed during simulation.

Min Total Float

The lowest total float observed during simulation.

Planned Duration

The amount of time the activity takes to complete.

PX Drift

The "X" percentile drift (p value), i.e. drift value observed during at least X% of iterations. P values available from P5 to P95 in the Drift submenu.
PX DurationThe "X" percentile duration (p value), i.e. duration value observed during at least X% of iterations. P values available from P5 to P95 in the Duration submenu.
PX Finish DateThe "X" percentile finish date (p value), i.e. finish date value observed during at least X% of iterations. P values available from P5 to P95 in the Finish Date submenu.
PX FloatThe "X" percentile float (p value), i.e. float value observed during at least X% of iterations. P values available from P5 to P95 in the Float submenu.
PX Safe FloatThe "X" percentile safe float (p value), i.e. safe float value observed during at least X% of iterations. P values available from P5 to P95 in the Safe Float submenu.
PX Safe Float Start DateThe "X" percentile safe float start date (p value), i.e. safe float start date value observed during at least X% of iterations. P values available from P5 to P95 in the Safe Float Start Date submenu.
PX Start DateThe "X" percentile start date (p value), i.e. start date value observed during at least X% of iterations. P values available from P5 to P95 in the Start Date submenu.
PX Total FloatThe "X" percentile total float (p value), i.e. total float value observed during at least X% of iterations. P values available from P5 to P95 in the Total Float submenu.
Priority IndexThe significance of an activity on the project's duration defined as criticality * (1+cruciality).
Resource CostThe total cost of the activity, as calculated by resource assignments.
Sampling BehaviorThe behavior for sampling of in-progress activity durations. For definitions and examples, see .Results and Reporting v2.0.0.101#Sampling of In-Progress Durations.
Start DateThe date the activity begins.
Total FloatThe float + drift.
TypeThe type of object, e.g. activity, milestone, hammock, etc.
WBS SequenceA value for sorting when organized by WBS.
Weather Event CalendarsA summary of all event calendars assigned by ID.
Weather Window CalendarsA summary of all window calendars assigned by ID.


Distribution: a range of possible outcomes (e.g. durations, impacts, etc.) together with their shape, from which a value will be sampled.

Drift: the amount of time an activity may be advanced before advancing the project start.

Iteration: one complete pass, from the beginning of the schedule to the end, whereby sampling of entered ranges is applied). All iterations taken together comprise a simulation.

P value: The value (date, duration, etc.) which was observed during at least X% of iterations. For example, the P80 Finish Date is the finish date observed during at least 80% of the iterations. To put it another way, 80% of the iterations completed on that date or earlier.

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